Pure Chiropractic Blog

Are You At Risk For Chronic Knee Pain?

Are You At Risk For Chronic Knee Pain?

Are You At Risk For Chronic Knee Pain? Bottom Line: Knees hurt? You’re not alone. Chronic knee pain is thought to affect up to 25% of adults and can significantly limit your mobility and quality of life. Your knee is a hinge-joint that primarily moves back and forth (flexion and extension) and allows some twisting…

Vienna Chiropractic Clinics Help Joint Inflammation

Vienna VA Chiropractic Clinics Help Joint Inflammation

Vienna VA Chiropractic Clinics Help Joint Inflammation The human body has several different types of joints, including ball and socket joints, gliding joints, hinge joints, and saddle joints. Considering the complex mechanisms that go into making it all work together, it’s little wonder that joint pain is a big issue in society. Vienna VA chiropractors…

Your Hip And SI Joint: What’s The Difference?

Your Hip And SI Joint: What’s The Difference?

Your Hip And SI Joint: What’s The Difference? Bottom Line: While figuring out the difference between hip and SI (sacroiliac) joint pain can be extremely confusing, being able to identify which one is the culprit is crucial when you’re looking for relief. Your SI joint connects your tailbone (sacrum) and your pelvis. It’s very fibrous…

Shoulder Pain: How To Find Relief

Shoulder Pain: How To Find Relief

Shoulder Pain: How To Find Relief Bottom Line: Did you know… your shoulder is the most unstable and moveable joint in your body. Its wide range of motion is facilitated by four primary muscles and their tendons, which together are called the rotator cuff. If your shoulder becomes inflamed or an impingement occurs, you may…

chiropractor may help tmj pain

Vienna VA Chiropractor May Help TMJ

Vienna VA Chiropractor May Help TMJ Among the areas of the body that Vienna VA chiropractors are able to help, many people are surprised to learn that the jaw is on the list. It’s easy to associate back pain and neck pain with chiropractic treatment, but people who suffer from TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder…

Headache Medications Cause Headaches

Headache Medications Cause Headaches

Headache Medications Cause Headaches Bottom Line: One of the primary side effects of many prevalent headache medications is, well…more headaches! That’s right. Rebound headaches are often caused by the same medications you use to find relief. Even taking medications for more than just a few days may trigger overuse, or rebound, headaches. Why it Matters:…