Pure Chiropractic Blog

3 Ways Chiropractic Care Can Help Reduce Your Stress

3 Ways Chiropractic Care Can Help Reduce Your Stress

3 Ways Chiropractic Care CanHelp Reduce Your Stress Bottom Line: Did you know… chronic stress can contribute to health challenges like anxiety and even back pain. Why? When your body is in a constant state of stress, it produces hormones that can disrupt almost all of your body’s natural processes. That’s one of the big…

Vienna Chiropractor Talks About Improving Your Health

Vienna VA Chiropractor Talks About Improving Your Health

Vienna VA Chiropractor Talks About Improving Your Health Every year, hundreds if not thousands of people suffer some type of lower back injury. This often requires a visit to their Vienna VA chiropractor as a result of gardening or doing some other type of yard work. This happens a lot in the spring when people…

The Link Between Your Stress And Your Spine

The Link Between Your Stress And Your Spine

The Link Between Your Stress And Your Spine Bottom Line: Your stress level and spinal health are linked through your nervous system. Just think about what happens to you physically when you get stressed out. Your muscles tense, your breathing patterns change, and often, so does the way you move. Changes in your posture, for…

The Impact Of Chronic Stress During The Holiday Season

The Impact Of Chronic Stress During The Holiday Season

The Impact Of Chronic StressDuring The Holiday Season Bottom Line: Stress can actually a good thing. If a lion were chasing you, an increase in heart rate, muscle tension, and focus would hopefully help you escape unharmed! Thankfully, we don’t need to worry about being chased by a lion today. It might be someone cutting…

three common conditions chiropractors help

3 Common Conditions Vienna VA Chiropractors Help

3 Common Conditions Vienna VA Chiropractors Help Chiropractic is a treatment method that has moved from more of an alternative treatment to widespread mainstream acceptance over the past few decades. There will always be pockets of naysayers that question its validity, but the millions of satisfied patients around the world speak volumes about the effectiveness…

Neck Arthritis: How Your Daily Habits Might Be To Blame

Neck Arthritis: How Your Daily Habits Might Be To Blame

Neck Arthritis: How Your DailyHabits Might Be To Blame Bottom Line: Arthritis is the breakdown of the cartilage around your joints. It can happen anywhere in your body and common symptoms associated with arthritis include joint pain, stiffness, swelling, or restricted motion. While osteoarthritis is a natural part of the aging process, the choices you…