Weight Loss Options in Vienna VA

If you are thinking about losing some weight or if you have been successful in the past and suddenly hit a stop then we have the solution to help you meet your weight loss goals in a healthy and effective way at Pure Chiropractic. L.E.D. Light Therapy in Vienna VA has been proven effective for many conditions, ranging from seasonal affective disorder to migraines, and aids the body in healing. Now, this therapy is available to help you lose weight as well. Come in to find out more. We serve Vienna VA and the surrounding areas with quality whole body chiropractic care.
What Is L.E.D. Light Therapy?
Certain wavelengths of lights when pushed through light-emitting diodes (L.E.D.) will penetrate the cells of the body and cause a reaction. Research has shown the results on human cells from these lights range from faster healing and increased blood circulation, to weight loss. This works by delivering a wavelength of light that your cells need to thrive, directly to them. In most cases, this light boosts the energy powerhouse of the cell (mitochondria) and they are able to work and regenerate better than they did before the treatment. This increased energy and oxygen is beneficial to you on many levels. If you have not found success in losing weight in the past, or if you have stalled in your efforts, this therapy can boost your cells’ productivity. People often report results from day one, and as long as you continue to follow a healthy diet and exercise plan the initial results can be permanent.
What Is a Stall When It Comes to Weight Loss?
A “stall,” when it comes to losing weight, happens to many people after they have found months of success. Suddenly, they will have a time period where they are still doing all the right things, yet their weight remains the same. The causes differ and often retraining your body and revamping for a previously successful diet will also restart your weight loss. If you have hit a wall when it comes to achieving your goals we can help restart your success.
Contact Us to Learn More About This Therapy and to Meet Our Skilled Chiropractor
Set up your appointment at Pure Chiropractic to find out the ways we can aid in your health goals. From chiropractic massage, physical therapy, L.E.D. Light Therapy, and nutritional counseling, we can be your team to help you achieve all of your goals this year. Call today, (703) 319-1212. We serve patients in and around Vienna VA.
8:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Pure Chiropractic
2565 Chain Bridge Rd
Vienna, VA 22181